Your Peace vs Hustle Culture | Honoring Yourself in Every Moment

Your Peace vs Hustle Culture | Honoring Yourself in Every Moment

This video explores the idea between your peace vs hustle culture - the go go go, fast pace, "must push", "must succeed at all costs" society.
I have been away from YouTube and Social Media in general for the last month and a bit because I honestly didn't have it in me to create or work. I've been hit with some personal challenges which left me with no energy, no motivation, and no capacity to deal with external challenges outside of the one's I had already been faced with.
But there was a voice in my head, reminding me "if you want to succeed, you gotta hustle, you gotta push, you have to post regardless of how depleted you are" and then I laughed, because I remembered what meant more to me was my peace, my health, my joy, and honoring myself in every moment.
I talk about exploring alternative ways of living that doesn't fall in line with mass society, because mass society is sick, in debt, unhappy with their jobs, their lives, their partners, their bodies etc. How do we not land up like most people? What got them to where they are? Instead of hustling, can I rest, and honor my time, to myself?

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Your Peace vs Hustle Culture
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