Comprehensive Hapé Self Administration Course
Starting out with Hapé can be really overwhelming. There are many moving parts from "What Hapé should I sit with when?", "My kuripe doesn't fit, how do I use this?", "How much Hapé do I need?", "Do I breathe or blow the Hapé in?"
There is a lot to sitting with Hapé properly and building a deep spiritual practice with this sacrament, but once you learn how, and you understand this ancient healing tool, you'll be able to cultivate a deep loving relationship, where you feel comfortable and confident on how to self administer Hapé. There's no need to fumble around, feeling overwhelmed or confused when you begin your journey. We're here to support you every step of the way!

Releases Stuck Emotions & Brings Peace
Hapé is a powerful medicine that allows us to let go of stress, of emotional baggage that weighs us down, and allows us to feel more at ease, and more at peace. It helps to remove emotional/energetic blockages, and helps to release any stagnant emotions taking up space. Hapé allows us to tap back into our intuition, our truth, and our authenticity where we feel more connected to our true selves.

Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Healing
Hapé helps to clear out the mucus build up from our bodies, and helps to release toxins that are building up in our bodies. Each blend of Hapé helps aid different physical symptoms. Hapé also allows a deeper connection to our hearts, our emotions, and our true selves, while connecting us with our higher selves, spiritual guides, ancestral energy, and the divine.

Mental Clarity & Grounding
Hapé helps to clear the mind of cyclical thinking, thoughts, and beliefs that no longer serve us. It quiets down the mind so we can focus, and operate in the here and now. It brings in mental clarity, and is a great meditative tool as it clears our minds and grounds us back into our bodies. Hapé is known to decalcify the pineal gland, and allows a clearer channel of connection.

"Life Changing. More than grateful for this great course! These videos are full knowledge and wisdom 3000! Hapé was the missing ingredient I never knew I needed for my spiritual journey. Thank you" - John D

Who is this course for?
This course is created for 2 types of individuals.
The 1st: If you are new to Hapé, and you've never self administered before, this is the course for you. Whether you have received Hapé before from someone else or you haven't, and you're starting from complete scratch, this is for you.
The 2nd: If you have been working with Hapé for some time now, but you'd like to deepen your understanding and your relationship with this medicine because you were never really "formally" trained, this course will teach you everything you've ever wondered about this medicine and how to really form a deeper connection with it.
- If you are new to Hapé & have never self administered before
- If you want to deepen your knowledge and understanding of Hapé
- If you're feeling called to work with Hapé & don't know where to start
- If you're ready to embark on a deep spiritual journey
- If you're on your healing journey & you're looking to deepen your experience
- If you're sick of carrying heavy emotions and you're ready to let them go
- If you would like a deeper connection to your Spirit Guides & Higher Self
- If you're looking to cultivate emotional regulation & inner peace
- If you're ready to let go of that which no longer serves you so you can step in to all that does
- If you're needing a tool to help ground you back into your body
What do I need to get started?

Kuripe (Self Administration Tool)
The Kuripe is the only right way to self serve Hapé. One side is for your mouth, the other side is for your nostril.
Blend of Hapé
All of our Hapé have such unique nuances. Select one that calls to you or browse our Starter Kits & Bundles.
Starter Kits
Our starter kits come with a variety of Hapé blends and a kuripe to get you started on your journey. Takes the guess work out.
Hapé Bundles
We have a huge selection of curated Hapé Bundles to serve you through certain challenges & needs.
HAPÉ SAMPLE BUNDLESWhat exactly will I learn?
Our course is made up of 15 modules where we cover everything you need to know about Hapé. These are our modules: